<malware demon>
<graphic designer>

<alpha design>
<made by Matsushima>

Made by @matsushima_QwQ

<beta design>
<made by Nano>

Terms of Service

Please make sure to read the rules thoroughly before contacting me. **Commissioning me means you agree to all of the points listed below. **If something isn't clear ask me about it directly!


  • Allow frequent touch-ups and revisions free of charge

  • Batch orders

  • Allow extra pay to skip queue (if there is a queue)


  • Make animated backgrounds or logos

  • Make alerts

  • Do rushed orders with tight deadlines

  • Work without references or examples

I am a university student, so taking rushed orders is not always possible. Orders take minimum one to two weeks depending on the size of the order.I am able to push orders to the front of the queue with a fee, however, it is not guaranteed that it will be finished before a week or two!

All payments are upfront and via Paypal.

The prices listed are not final. depending on how complex the order is, the price may go up.

A polished reference of a VTuber model or style is not required, however a general theme is. If you do not have solid references, a simple moodboard consisting of font families or color palletes is a must!

Before any payments are made, I need to confirm if your requests are in my skill range (since I am not a professional and still learning!). This said, I have the right to decline an order if I feel unfit for the request!

Throughout the completion of an order, I will contact the customer asking about details I'm not sure about and have them judge the work so far to prevent retouches after the commission is finished. DO NOT CHANGE YOUR DESIGN MIDWAY THROUGH THE PROCESS. Please make sure to stay in contact with me otherwise I'll be stuck without being able to progress with no feedback!!

For overlay and scene commissions, I am only able to make the background. The setup is something the customer has to do on their stream software. (I am able to help and give tips!)

Character art on overlays and schedules is not included! If a customer would like art of their character on any of the assets, please provide the art before the order is placed!

Unless stated otherwise, I am allowed to stream the process of the order, post WIPs on my socials, and share the finished product

Credit is not mandatory, however, please do not claim the work as your own!


The prices listed below are not final. depending on how complex the order is, the price may go up. (does not apply to YCH commissions)

$15 USD

  • Can change expression

  • Can change background

  • 2048px by 2048px (300 DPI)

$25 USD

$20 USD

one scene

$20 USD

three scenes

$50 USD

4 scenes + 6 panels

$75 USD

Full bundle

$85 USD

  • Can do: Starting / Ending / Chatting / Games / Offline scenes

  • Scene resolution: 1920 x 1080

3 panels

$5 USD

6 panels

$8 USD

Katsuki Mokki is a cat deity that was banished from the seven heavens due to her clumsy and forgetful nature. As punishment by the higher deities of the heavens, Mokki was transformed into a mortal feline who must hold onto her fish-shaped charm the Gold Piscine to maintain her human like appearance.

Model Art: SheiModel Rig: Lapynne